Deep Work/深度工作
在最近一年的工作中,大量的时间花费在管理和会议上。但一直觉得没有自我成长和价值 达成缺失。– 看了深度工作书,想明白自己是浮浅工作多了,深度工作少了。
1 一些原则
- 考核黑洞是普通人进行深度工作的另一个障碍,需要自我调节;
- 深度工作是最有价值的部分,不要被浮浅工作的忙碌感俘虏;
- 尝试早起进行1.5小时的深度工作(这样要求7点开始工作);
2 Rules
2.1 禁欲主义哲学
2.1.1 介绍
禁欲主义者的深度工作日程安排,是通过最摒弃或最小化肤浅职责,从而实现深度工作的 最大化。禁欲主义哲学的实践者往往有明确且价值极高的职业目标追求,而且他们在职业 上取得的大部分成就都是由于工作表现特别突出。
2.1.2 例1 - Knuth(高德纳)
- 高德纳解释其职业目标
- 我努力掌握计算机科学某一领域的全部知识;然后我努力消化
从1990年1月1日起,我成了一个快乐的人,那时起我不再有电子邮箱。我从1975年开始使用 电子邮箱,在我看来一生用15年电子邮箱已经够长了。对于生活中要站到风口浪尖的人 而言,电子邮箱是一种奇妙的东西。但对我来说却不是;我的角色是处理事情的底层。我所 做的事情需要长时间的学习和无人干扰的高度专注。
Email (let's drop the hyphen)
I have been a happy man ever since January 1, 1990, when I no longer had an email address. I'd used email since about 1975, and it seems to me that 15 years of email is plenty for one lifetime.
Email is a wonderful thing for people whose role in life is to be on top of things. But not for me; my role is to be on the bottom of things. What I do takes long hours of studying and uninterruptible concentration. I try to learn certain areas of computer science exhaustively; then I try to digest that knowledge into a form that is accessible to people who don't have time for such study.
On the other hand, I need to communicate with thousands of people all over the world as I write my books. I also want to be responsive to the people who read those books and have questions or comments. My goal is to do this communication efficiently, in batch mode — like, one day every three months. So if you want to write to me about any topic, please use good ol' snail mail and send a letter to the following address:
Prof. Donald E. Knuth Computer Science Department Gates Building 4B Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-9045 USA.
I have a wonderful secretary who looks at the incoming postal mail and separates out anything that she knows I've been looking forward to seeing urgently. Everything else goes into a buffer storage area, which I empty periodically.
My secretary also prints out all nonspam email messages addressed to or, so that I can reply with written comments when I have a chance. If I run across such a message that was misaddressed — I mean, if the message asks a question instead of reporting an error — I try not to get angry. I used to just throw all such sheets in the wastebasket. But now I save them for scratch paper, so that I can print test material for The Art of Computer Programming on the blank sides. I DO NOT ANSWER UNSOLICITED EMAILS, nor do I respond to emails that were sent to my colleagues with a bothersome request for them to communicate with me. Email is a no-no EXCEPT for reporting errors in books.
You might also try faxing me at 650-725-4671. But be warned that I look at incoming fax mail last, perhaps only once every six months instead of three.
`I don't even have an e-mail address. I have reached an age where my main purpose is not to receive messages.' — Umberto Eco, quoted in the New Yorker Sometimes I do send email, through my secretary, with respect to the project I'm currently working on, when I believe that the recipient won't be bothered by my request. But I hope you can understand why I am almost always unhappy to receive unsolicited email myself. Thank you for your patience and cooperation as I try to finish The Art of Computer Programming (TAOCP), a work that I began in 1962 and that I will need many years to complete. In return, I promise not to send unwelcome email requests to you.
A note on email versus e-mail
Newly coined nonce words of English are often spelled with a hyphen, but the hyphen disappears when the words become widely used. For example, people used to write ``non-zero'' and ``soft-ware'' instead of ``nonzero'' and ``software''; the same trend has occurred for hundreds of other words. Thus it's high time for everybody to stop using the archaic spelling ``e-mail''. Think of how many keystrokes you will save in your lifetime if you stop now! The form ``email'' has been well established in England for several years, so I am amazed to see Americans being overly conservative in this regard. (Of course, ``email'' has been a familiar word in France, Germany, and the Netherlands much longer than in England — but for an entirely different reason.)
2.2 双峰哲学
2.2.1 介绍
将个人时间分成两块,将某一段明确的时间用于深度追求,余下的时间做其他所有事情。 深度时间里追求高强度、无干扰的专注,浮浅时间专注并非首要的目标。比如每天早上 6点半到单位,进行2小时无干扰的工作,8点半后处理日常事务性的邮件等工作。我在 IBM Hursley的一周里,了解到有部分高级工程师,在进行复杂的设计时会在家里工作。
虽然无法达成双峰平衡,但还是可以在深度工作上投入时间的,需要根据自己所在工作 场所的特点,进行适度调节。
2.2.2 尝试
我首先尝试早晨早到1小时工作,并在一天的上班时间里,尝试连续2小时脱离即时通信、 电子邮箱等。 半年后更新结果。
2.3 4DX框架(The 4 Disciplines of Execution)
- 原则1:关注点放到极端重要的事情上
《高效能人士的执行4原则》你想做的事情越多,完成的事情反而越少。执行专注于“极端 重要”的目标。简化选择,有助于组织和集中足够的精力来达成实在的成果。
- 原则2:抓住引领性指标
- 原则3:准备一个醒目的计分板
- 原则4:定期问责
- 每周制定计划
- 按照计划落实
- 周末回顾计划
2.4 有成果的冥想
在身体劳作而心智空闲的时候(比如走路、慢跑、开车、淋浴),将注意力定义到一件定义 明确的专业难题上。如同佛教的打坐,你的注意力可能会涣散或停滞,但你必须不断的把它 重新集中到当前的问题上。这种思考同时可以提升专注能力。
- 建议1:小心分心和原地打转;
- 建议2:组织你的深度思考;
2.5 准则
- 准则1:工作要深入
- 准则2:拥抱无聊
- 准则3:远离社交媒体
- 准则4:摒弃浮浅